Garage Doors Pretoria

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What was the last time that you considered your garage door springs? Did you know that springs can have a shelf life, and may need to be maintained and replaced occasionally? Most people will not answer both or one of those questions. Garage door springs may not be on the minds of everyone until they become an issue. Garage doors are essential parts of any home. You can learn more about garage door springs that have broken and how to fix them.

Types of Garage Door Springs

There are two kinds of garage door springs. Which one is best for you? Let’s start by explaining what garage door springs are. They are essential for garage doors to open and close smoothly. It is important to know the difference between the springs for garage doors.

Extension Spring

These springs stretch and extend to move the garage door. Garage doors generally have two extension springs. One on each side, and the other running parallel to the track. They retract when the door opens.
Extension springs are mainly used in residential garages. To prevent extension springs from snapping, it is important to install safety cables when installing garage doors. While it is unlikely for springs to snap, it can happen. It’s best to be prepared. There are many cables available for the extension spring style.

Double Looped

Double-looped extension springs are more durable than open-looped. However, they are much more difficult to replace.

Clipped Ends

This style is known for its durability. The clipped ends reduce the stress caused by the extension springs. They are also more suitable for garage doors that weigh 200 pounds or more. However, they are harder to replace than other styles.

Torsion Spring

The number of torsion springs needed to open and close your garage door will depend on its size. They are typically one or two for standard garage doors. For heavier-duty garage doors, they may be four. They can be found just above the garage doors opening. Torsion springs make use of torque to open or close the garage door. They wind around the shaft as it lifts and gains tension as it closes.

The door that is closed has more tension, and most springs will break. If springs fail in an open position, garage doors can fall. Be sure to follow safety precautions when opening garage doors. Different types of torsion springs are available, much like extension springs.

Steel Rolling Door

There are many steel options for rolling doors, including those that can be used in commercial constructions.

Torque Master

Torsion shafts are the best option for torsion spring systems.

How can you tell if your garage door spring is broken?

If your garage door spring has broken, it will begin to work strangely. Garage doors will not open and close correctly and springs may sway if they aren’t connected. A bent garage door could indicate that your garage door spring has failed. Garage doors can take on more weight when the spring doesn’t support the required weight. If the springs fail to function properly, the garage door will bend inwards if it is raised.

When the spring is not able to support the garage door’s weight, you may notice a change in the way that the garage doors close. The door may close quicker than you expected, and it will not close as smoothly. If you attempt to open the door using the emergency rope, the last sign that the springs are broken or not working properly is that the door will not close as fast as it should.

Why do Garage Door Springs Give Up?.

Garage door springs can break for the most obvious reason: wear and tear. Garage door springs come with a pre-programmed set of cycles. A garage door cycle can be identified by going up and then back down. The springs can withstand approximately 10,000 cycles. It may not seem like much, but if you consider how often you use your garage door each day, it quickly adds up

You will do at least two cycles a day if your car is kept in the garage. Additional trips, such as running errands or playing with your children in the garage, using the car for family needs, and even owning two cars, can all add to the daily cycle. Many households use their garage as their front door. The 10,000 cycles disappear in less than the average timeframe of 5-7 years.


The lifespan of springs will drop dramatically when rust is spreading. Rust will cause more friction to the coils during expansion and contraction. As corrosion increases, so does the likelihood of them failing. The lifespan of springs can be extended by applying silicone-based grease a few times per year to prolong their life and keep them from corroding.

Improper Maintenance

Maintaining the springs will extend their life expectancy and provide insight into when they begin to fail. While all springs eventually fail, it is possible to prolong their life expectancy by keeping them clean, lubricated and maintained properly. Another task you should do seasonally is to check the garage door balance. Winter is a common time for spring failure due to the high temperatures and tension in winter. Here are some ways to test the balance.
Then, switch the emergency cable to manual mode and put the door into manual mode.
Next, lift the door up to about halfway and release it. If the springs are in good shape, they will hold the doors still. However, if the door falls or sags, that is an indication that the springs need to be replaced or adjusted.

Pretoria Garage Doors

How to Fix a Broken Garage Door Spring

You can purchase parts online or from hardware stores to fix broken garage door springs. However, this can be dangerous work. When replacing your springs, professional assistance is strongly recommended. You should not replace your springs on your own because of the potential dangers they pose.

Extension Springs Replacement

While the extension springs are easier to replace than others, there are still risks involved. You could get hurt by the old, rusted springs or the garage door could collapse on you or another person.
Many people shop at home improvement shops to buy the largest spring possible in the hope that it will last longer. But, larger doesn’t always equal better. Extension springs should match the garage door’s weight. An extension spring that is too big can cause the garage door to fly open quickly. It may also make it more difficult to close. This can cause damage to your springs and require additional repairs.

Extension springs are best purchased through a licensed garage dealer than you would make the purchase yourself. You can be sure you have the right-sized spring that is appropriate for the door’s weight. With the right extension spring, your garage door will be much easier to open or close.

Torsion Springs

Torsion springs can be dangerous to replace on your own due to the high tension. There is a high risk of metal flying from the part due to the tension in the metal. This can happen if something breaks or snaps during the repair. Not only is there the possibility of flying metal, but you could also be exposed to rusted metal and your garage door could come crashing down on someone.

Professional Replacement is the Best

Garage door springs can pose danger to your health and safety. It is best to hire professionals to fix or replace them. There is a danger of serious injury when you try to fix or replace the springs yourself.
Many homeowners fail to realize the ease of having a professional come out to their home to replace springs. Although it’s great to take good care of your home and make repairs when necessary, in some cases such as garage door springs, it’s best to hire a professional.

Is it safe for a garage door to be opened with a broken spring?

If your spring breaks, you might think it is safe to use a garage opener. It is dangerous to open the garage door with any opener. You could have many issues if your opener is used to open the door.

  1. The door panels may fall.
  2. It is possible to remove the gears from the opener that is attached to your garage.
  3. The motor could go out.
  4. It is possible for the rails to bend.
  5. The motor may work harder to open the door, and parts of the opener carriage might break.
  6. While it is uncommon, there have been cases where the opener pulled itself off the ceiling. This can cause additional damage and other hazards.
  7. If the springs have stopped working, do not try to open your garage door. Even if you don’t have a garage opener you can still cause damage to your garage doors depending on which spring system you use. You would have to lift the garage door’s weight, which can reach 500 pounds, by yourself without the spring system. This will prove difficult and physically taxing. You might inflict damage to your back and legs. Or the garage door may fall on you, causing even more harm.

A garage door can be opened if only one spring is functioning. But it is not recommended to do so often. The door may be difficult to open and could still cause injury. To help someone back their car from the garage, your garage opener can be used to open the door. You should exercise caution when opening your garage doors to avoid injury or damage, even if one spring is still in place.

You can still open your garage door with the opener if you need access to the garage. This guideline will help to reduce the risk of a garage door opening.

Ask someone to lift your door

  • You should take precautions for your back, and make sure the door doesn’t fall on your fingers or toes.
  • To disengage the door, pull the rope attached to the J-arm and release the mechanism. You should remember that you used both the opener motor as well as the springs to open your garage door. So be careful when lifting heavy doors.
  • You can lift the door up to the horizontal rails and then gently take your hands off it so it stays in its place.
  • You will have to be gentle when lifting the door. To avoid breaking the panels, you should lift the door with a partner. Reverse the steps to close your garage door. But, with the weight falling, it will be harder to control its closing.

Pretoria Garage Doors is here to help you with your garage door springs!
We have the right spring replacement for your commercial or residential garage doors.

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